WordPress Emergency Support

WordPress Emergency Support — Here We Are!

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If you need WordPress Emergency Support, if a crisis aris­es and you need your Word­Press fixed as soon as you can snap your fin­gers — here we are!

Well, slight­ly longer than “snap­ping your fin­gers” — but not much.

We pride our­selves not only on our high qual­i­ty (plus rea­son­able cost) but, above all, our speed. We’re obsessed. Mid­dle of the night? There. The wee hours before sun­rise? We’re there. Some crazy time­zone on the oth­er side of the world you’re in? We’re dou­bly there.

Of course, we can’t promise 24/7 solu­tions because we’re bru­tal­ly hon­est: some­times, we just can’t solve the prob­lem that quick­ly. Some­times, unin­stalling this, re-installing that, chang­ing this whole oth­er thing around, just takes time.

Time, and a lot of cof­fee!

Here’s one tip. Call us any time — but if we don’t answer, it does­n’t mean we’re sleep­ing. We’re like­ly focused and it’s 3 am here and Foysal’s try­ing to solve this prob­lem, Shakib anoth­er prob­lem, Tamim a third prob­lem — and so we don’t even have the vir­tu­al phone turned on! Just leave a mes­sage or send us an email. When we come up to breathe soon, we’ll call you back or send you a note.

There’s an obvi­ous ques­tion: “Don’t you ever sleep?”.

Well, glad you asked! A few things. First, we drink a lot of cof­fee. Sec­ond­ly, we do sneak in naps. Third — more seri­ous­ly (although the cof­fee point was indeed seri­ous!) — this is an advan­tage we have to be par­tial­ly dis­trib­uted. Although our home base is in Palo Alto, in Sil­i­con Val­ley, few of us are based in Tallinn, Esto­nia — which posi­tions us per­fect­ly so that, at most times, some­one is like­ly focus­ing.

Con­clu­sion: you need a Word­Press fix in a pinch. Well, here we are. Just call. Or email.

WordPress Emergency Support

Need WordPress Emergency Support?

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