Blood Donation

Revolutionize Blood Donation Management on WordPress with IDonatePro in 2024

Theme Atelier |  

IDonatePro is a professional solution designed to streamline the blood donation process and enhance the management of blood donors on any WordPress website. With its user-friendly interface, robust features, and extensive customization options, it’s the ideal choice for donation organizations, non-profits, clinics, hospitals, and doctors’ websites aiming to facilitate the process of finding and donating blood.

Plugin Features

1. Blood Request Post

IDonatePro enables users to create and publish blood donation requests effortlessly. This feature allows those in need to send out their blood requests efficiently.

2. Blood Request Page

The plugin provides a dedicated page for all blood donation requests, making it easy for donors to locate and respond to urgent requests.

3. Auto Request Delete

To keep the platform up-to-date, expired or outdated blood requests are automatically deleted, ensuring that only relevant and active requests are visible to users.

4. Donor Page Grid

A visually appealing donor grid page is generated automatically, showcasing the list of donors registered on the website.

5. Donor List Table Shortcode

Users have the flexibility to display donor lists anywhere on their site using a shortcode. This feature allows for easy customization and integration.

6. Donor Filtering

Efficiently search and filter donors based on various criteria, making it simpler for users to find suitable donors.

7. Donor Registration

IDonatePro includes a straightforward donor registration process, encouraging individuals to sign up and contribute to the cause.

8. Donor Profile

Registered donors have their own dedicated profiles, which can be customized with personal information and preferences.

9. Donor Profile Edit

Donors can edit their profiles whenever necessary, ensuring their information is always up-to-date.

10. Form Recaptcha

Security is a priority. The plugin incorporates Google’s reCAPTCHA to protect against spam and ensure data integrity.

11. Donor and Request Approval System

Admins can review and approve donors and blood requests, maintaining control over the quality and authenticity of information.

12. Donor Page and Request Page Pagination

To improve user experience, pagination is integrated into both donor and request pages, ensuring seamless navigation.

13. Admin Statistics Widget

Admins can monitor and analyze important statistics related to blood donation and requests through a dedicated widget.

14. Front-End Statistics Widget

Users can display vital statistics related to blood donation on their website, encouraging transparency and trust.

15. Login Page

A dedicated login page ensures secure access for registered donors and admin users.

16. Blood Donation Settings Options

Extensive settings options are available, making it easy to customize the plugin to suit specific needs and branding.

17. Responsive for All Devices

IDonatePro is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience for users on all devices, including smartphones and tablets.

18. Support for Bootstrap Framework

The plugin is built with support for the Bootstrap framework, providing a solid foundation for responsive and visually appealing designs.

19. Support for Font Awesome

Integration with Font Awesome icons allows for creative and eye-catching designs.

20. Bootstrap Load/Unload Option

Choose whether to load or unload the Bootstrap framework based on your specific requirements.

21. Font Awesome Load/Unload Option

Similar to Bootstrap, users can decide whether to load or unload Font Awesome icons as needed.

22. Colors Change Options

Customize the color scheme to match your website’s branding and style.

23. Translation Ready

The plugin is translation-ready, with .pot files included, making it easy to localize the plugin for different regions and languages.

24. Free Updates

IDonatePro is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest WordPress versions and trends. Users can expect free updates to ensure compatibility and feature enhancements.

25. Error-Free Code

The plugin is meticulously coded to minimize errors, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for users.

26. Well Documented

A comprehensive documentation resource is available, offering step-by-step instructions and tips to help users make the most of the plugin’s capabilities.


IDonatePro is more than just a plugin; it’s a catalyst for positive change. By providing an efficient and user-friendly platform for blood donation and request management, this WordPress plugin empowers organizations and individuals to make a real difference in the lives of those in need.

If you’re running a donation organization, non-profit, clinic, hospital, or a doctors’ website, IDonatePro can be the ideal companion to help you provide essential facilities to find and donate blood. Its feature-rich nature, easy customization, and robust functionality make it a must-have tool for any website looking to contribute to this noble cause.

Get IDonatePro Now and be a part of the movement that saves lives, one donation at a time. If you have any question regarding this plugin contact us here.

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