Upload and Activate Theme

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When you are ready to install a theme, you must first upload the theme files and then activate the theme itself. The theme files can be uploaded in two ways:

Using Theme Uploader

After that you need to install and activate the following pre-packaged plugins:

  1. Camino Core: Required and must install plugin.
  2. RT Framework: Required and must install plugin.
  3. Customize Framework: Required and must install plugin.
  4. RT Demo Importer: Required if you want to import demo contents. You can deactivate it after demo is imported.
  5. Elementor Page Builder: Recommended. Page builder plugin.
  6. Custom Elementor Slider: Optional. Install if you want to use slider.
  7. WP Fluent Forms: Optional. Install if you want to use fluent form.

N.B: All plugins must be installed and activated if you want your site to look exactly like demo.

Follow the steps as instructed in the images below:

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Upload and Activate Theme

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