Wave – Convert XD to HTML/CSS & Tailwind CSS

Convert Adobe XD wireframes into fully functional, responsive web pages with HTML5, CSS3, and tailwind CSS.

Convert Adobe XD wireframes into fully functional, responsive web pages with HTML5, CSS3, and tailwind CSS.

Our Contribution

  • Initial boilerplate setup with Tailwind CSS
  • Publish the project in github
  • Convert all Adobe XD files to web template

Start On: 03/26/2023

Published On: 07/12/2023

Skills: , ,

Live demo

Job Description:

We are looking for an experienced front-end developer with a strong background in HTML, CSS, and responsive web design to convert our Adobe XD wireframes into fully functional, responsive web pages.


Convert Adobe XD wireframes into clean, well-structured HTML and CSS code. Ensure all exported assets (images, icons, etc.) are properly optimized for the web. Implement responsive design techniques to ensure the web pages display correctly across various devices and screen sizes. Test the developed web pages for compatibility with different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) and platforms (Windows, macOS, etc.). Adhere to web standards, best practices, and accessibility guidelines during the development process.